In the last 60 years the Roman Catholic Church as well as every institution within Western Culture has been attacked, subverted and changed from within. The process began in the 1700 when a group of individuals formed a secret society known as the Freemasons. It was their stated goal to subvert all institutions which were founded upon the principles of Christianity. Their goal was to establish a New World Order where man is the center and arbiter of his own fate. Where naturalism and secular humanism take the place of Christian morality and where the worship of man is the only real religion.
Thus they set about spreading the gospel of liberalism, secularism, humanism. Their buzz words are; tolerance, freedom of conscience, freedom of thought, I'm OK, You're OK!, separation of Church and State, Civil Rights, right to privacy, ecumenism, etc... And so they spread their infection into society. Where you see the breakdown of ancient institutions based on Christianity there you will find Freemasonic ideas at work. The movement toward a contraceptive, abortion, euthanasia based ethic which has permeated all of Western Culture is a perfect example of their work.
For centuries they wanted to infiltrate and change the Catholic Church into their own bastion of humanism. They wanted to strip the Church of her moral and doctrinal authority. Gutting the Catholic Faith, they wanted to leave the outward shell while filling it with a substanceless, humanist, man-centered, world-friendly, TOLERANT, and indifferent religion. their methods were methodical and ingenius. They changed society first, knowing that their disciples would be formed in the atmosphere conducive to their ultimate goals. Then infiltrating men, imbued with their ideas they slowly changed the philosophical and theological sciences into machines that would produce men according to their image. These men moved their way into the positions of academa, the priesthood and the episcopate slowly changing the Church from within.
By 1960, many men had been primed with Masonic concepts. When Pope John XXIII called the Second Vatican Council it was systematically compromised to push a Masonic agenda. From that point until today the Church has chnaged vastly. Reflecting the philosophy and religion on the Freemasons it no longer reflects the Christianity established by Christ and held fast by the Apostles and their successors for nearly 2000 years.
In that atmosphere A.J. West writes a novel about a future where a Pope comes to the throne of Peter "unenlightened" by Masonic concepts but thoroughly imbued with the ancient Catholic Faith. This novel is not meant merely for Roman Catholics but is meant for everyone to read in order that they can see what has happened not just to Catholicism but to Western Civilization as a whole.